Monday, May 17, 2010

Wilderness, Wood Ticks, and Wonder on the Upper St. Croix.

We recently took a long hike along the St. Croix River just downstream from Gordon Dam. What a spectacularly wild area. The kids were eager and focused the entire time, despite having to wade across across small streams and deal with more wood ticks than we could attempt to count. The day was cloudy and the light was drab, so we focused on close-up shots rather than scenic landscapes. The quality of photos these young men captured tells the story of their determination better than words ever could. Enjoy.

Lee spent about 10 minutes stalking this grasshopper with the stealth of seasoned hunter. He finally was able to get within about a foot to capture this image.

Devin captured this stunner he calls "Diamonds in the Grass." He had to lie on his stomach in wet grass to get the right angle, but that's a small sacrifice when a scene like this present itself.

Aarin has an uncanny knack for making photos that convey a sense of movement. This is one he calls simply "Ripples," and he made it by dropping pebbles in the water and then quickly taking the shot.

Mike was fortunate enough to stumble upon this feather, and the shot was simple and straightforward. These kids are quickly learning the simplest images are sometimes the most powerful.

One of our key lessons is to try to convey a sense of layers and depth in our photos. DeVante has learned this concept particularly well, and proves it with photos like this.

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