Monday, June 7, 2010

Coming Into Their Own

We had time for only one photography excursion last week, but it was one of the most productive days this project has seen yet. After spending the morning targeting eagle photos on land adjacent to Riverside Landing on the St. Croix River accompanied by NWPII staff member Ben Altrichter, we next explored the beautiful Schoen Park Landing. This group of young men (DeVante, Lee, Travis, Mike, Derek, and Matt), who are now half way though their 90 days in the program, are really beginning to come into their own as artists. Individual styles are beginning to emerge, and they are internalizing how to alter shutter speed, aperture, and use polarizing filters to achieve their visions. Exciting times lie ahead for this group! Below are a sample of photos, poems, and thoughts from last week's adventure.

-Ben Thwaits, Project Leader

This photo is called "A Fish's Perspective." We were exploring the river, and I saw a beautiful flower hang over the creek so I grabbed the underwater camera and tried something new. I put the camera underwater and aimed it up at the flowers. And shizam! A masterpiece! This picture reminds me of life blured and disoriented, but beautiful and amazing at the same time. -Lee, age 15.

This flower is like my life
It sprouted from a seed
Living to see day after day
Growing to see the beautiful trees
Feeling the breeze along the side of me
I stand alone
But I stand strong on my roots
Waiting for the sunlight to make me grow

Photo and Poem titled "Waiting to Grow" by Mike, age 16.

Look at the water
See how it flows,
It bends, it shallows, and holes.

Watch the trees,
Move and sway,
Just like your life,
As it goes your way.

The river is so dark,
But can never stop
The flow, the life
The way that it rocks.

Now think of your life,
The rhythm, the rhyme.
It belongs to you,
Till the end of time.

Photo and poem titled "The River Flows" by Matt, age 15.

Life is like a flower,
it blossoms so beautiful and bright.
But sometimes it’s hard to shine
without the sunlight.
This flower is so strong
it continues to grow and grow
but it goes nowhere, as it’s pinned to the floor.
As the years pass
no one hears it cry.
Alone the flower will live
And alone the flower will die.

Poem and Photo titled "The Flower" by DeVante, age 16.

Photo called "Master Peace" by DeVante, age 16.


  1. All these photos and poems are amazing!

    The photo and poem,"The Flower" especially touched me. Such

  2. These are so incredible. I am touched by the flower poem and photo as well. It brings tears to my eyes.
