Friday, September 24, 2010

The Exhibit Opens!

Six months.  Hundreds of hours on the river.  Tens of thousands of shutter clicks.  Twenty six young transformed into master nature photographers.  It all culminates today in the opening of the "In a New Light" photo exhibit at the National Park Service visitor center in St. Croix Falls.  Please come and witness the story.  The exhibit will be in St. Croix Falls until October 25, when it will then proceed on its journey to Wausau, Madison, Cable, and Spooner.  CLICK HERE to read the press release for more information.   

The last several weeks have been a whirlwind of activity as we have prepared for the exhibit, and the kids have handled every step of the process.  Take a look at their journey. 

-Ben Thwaits, Project Leader

 Black Iris Gallery and Custom Framing owner JoAnn Martin shows the boys that math actually comes in handy in real life.  JoAnn and Bill LaPorte of Black Iris graciously opened their shop to us and taught us the secrets of professional matting and framing. They were incredibly patient, kind, and helpful through every step of the process. 

Knee-deep in frames.

Chris puts some elbow grease into the mat cutter. 

Bill LaPorte teaches Cody the finer points of dust removal.

Dakota is looking quite comfortable next to the "Professional Picture Framers Association" apron. 

Cody measures out frame locations on the St. Croix River Visitor Center wall. 

NPS staff Jeff Carlstrom and Jon Books stand with Kayden and Cody (looking tired but fulfilled) after a day spent hanging the exhibit. Job well done, gentlemen. 


  1. Send me info. on your program! It sounds wonderful. I used to work with EBD kids and would love to volunteer or donate. Nora Hansen (

  2. What a moving experience the reception was fantastic; seeing the products of their work, meeting the kids and all the supporters of the work - a great connection among youth, the river, the National Park Service and others. Thank you all!!!
